Crouse Heath Foundation receives Excellus award

Crouse Health Foundation has received a $25,000 Health Equity Innovation Award funding from Excellus BlueCross BlueShield for Crouse Health’s Standing in the Gap — Enhancing Maternal Health Experiences program.

The program aims to improve maternal health experiences for historically marginalized communities served by Crouse Health across 14 counties in the state.

“Doula 4 a Queen is excited to implement our program, ‘Standing in the Gap’ aimed to enhance staff relations with community-based doulas and improve maternal health experiences at Crouse Health as both organizations work together to reduce maternal and infant mortality and morbidity in our region,” said Sequoia Kemp, Doula 4 a Queen, founder and CEO.

“We are grateful to receive this Health Equity Innovation Award from Excellus BlueCross BlueShield,” said Kathleen Miller-Murphy, director of Women’s Health Integration and Community Engagement at Crouse Health. “This funding will allow us to make a significant impact on the health of our community by improving birth equity and providing much-needed support to expectant families.”

Excellus BlueCross BlueShield invited area organizations to apply for awards dedicated to reducing health disparities and improving health equity among underserved populations affected by racial, ethnic, disability, gender, and rural disparities, including but not limited to mental health and maternal health. This includes efforts to improve physical and mental health, decrease social inequalities in healthcare, and guarantee access to healthcare.