Dear Savvy Senior, What steps need to be taken after a loved one dies? My 71-year-old uncle, who’s divorced with no children, has terminal
Savvy Senior
How to Reduce Your Medical Bills
By Jim Miller Dear Savvy Senior, What tips do you recommend to Medicare beneficiaries dealing with hefty medical bills? My husband recently had open
Top 5 Financial Scams Targeting Seniors Today
By Jim Miller Dear Savvy Senior, What are the most common scams today that target elderly seniors? My 75-year-old mother has been swindled several
Free Online Hearing Tests You Can Take at Home
By Jim Miller Dear Savvy Senior, Can you recommend any good online hearing tests? My husband has hearing loss, but I can’t get him
Daily Check-In Services for Seniors Living Alone
By Jim Miller Dear Savvy Senior, Can you recommend any services that check in on elderly seniors who live alone? I live about 200
Cheap Basic Cell Phone Plans for Penny Pinching Seniors
Dear Savvy Senior, A few months ago, I read a column you wrote on extremely cheap smartphone plans for budget-conscious seniors. Can you do
How to Sell Unwanted Burial Plots
By Jim Miller Dear Savvy Senior, How do I go about selling unwanted burial plots in my hometown cemetery? When my parents died about
How to Choose a Medicare Supplemental (Medigap) Policy
Dear Savvy Senior, I’m planning to enroll in original Medicare in a few months and have been told I probably need to get a
How Medicare Covers Alzheimer’s Disease
Dear Savvy Senior, What exactly does Medicare cover when it comes to Alzheimer’s disease? My husband was recently diagnosed with early-stage Alzheimer’s, and we
When to Expect Your Social Security Checks
By Jim Miller Dear Savvy Senior, I am planning to retire and apply for my Social Security benefits in July. When can I expect