St. Camillus’ new president and CEO talks about the challenges nursing homes face today, sees less dependency on skilled nursing facilities in the future
Q & A
Q & A with Kathy Mezzalingua
President of Saint Agatha Foundation explains how the nonprofit provides financial help to women who undergo breast cancer treatment By Mary Beth Roach Q:
Q & A with Sandra Seabrook
Goats, donkeys, a camel, horses, alpacas, chinchillas, rabbits, dogs, cats — all these are used to help kids in crisis at the Purpose Farm
Q&A with Mary Jo Klein
GiGi’s Playhouse’s board of managers president talks about how the nonprofit helps more than 450 families in CNY. The agency assists those with Down
Q & A with Linda Lopez
Use of Salvation Army’s food pantry up 25%, demand for other services also high, says the organization’s director for community services By Mary Beth
Q & A with Dan Burns
Director of crisis respite services at Elmcrest Children’s Center talks about a new program for children in crisis By Mary Beth Roach Q: Is
Q & A with Tricia Peter-Clark
President and CEO of ConnextCare discusses further expanding the organization. It provides primary, dental and mental care and plans to increase its presence in
Q&A with Kathleen Gaffney-Babb
New Helio Health interim president and CEO says organization serves 17,000 people annually with a budget that will surpass $100 million this year. ‘We’re
Q & A with Lisa Alford
ACR Health CEO discusses how the nonprofit went from focusing on people with HIV AIDS to treating a broader population, including those who abuse
Q & A with Dan Sieburg
By Mary Beth Roach Rescue Mission helps the hungry, homeless. CEO says more people in CNY are depending on its services, he identifies the