Pelvic floor physical therapy can support urinary continence By Deborah Jeanne Sergeant If you have never heard of pelvic floor physical therapy for improving
Women’s Health
7 Top Issues Affecting Women’s Health
These issues have long-lasting effects on well-being By Deborah Jeanne Sergeant A few local providers offered ideas of what’s on the forefront of women’s
Help for Premenstrual Syndrome
More than just moodiness, PMS can cause numerous symptoms By Deborah Jeanne Sergeant Up to 75% of menstruating women experience premenstrual syndrome, according to
Top Weight Loss Mistakes
Losing weight isn’t easy, but these mistakes make it much harder By Deborah Jeanne Sergeant Trying to lose weight? Make it easier by avoiding
Q&A with Kate Weidman
She is expected to become Aurora of CNY’s executive director next year. The organization serves the blind and visually impaired, deaf and partially deaf
Silent Epidemic
The greatest disease killer of women? It’s not breast cancer. It’s heart disease By Deborah Jeanne Sergeant Although the pink ribbon campaigns to raise
Thyroid Disorders Can Affect Women’s Health in a Big Way
Women are nine times more likely to have a thyroid disorder By Deborah Jeanne Sergeant Thyroid disorders are important to treat as this small
9 Women’s Health Myths
Do you believe any of these? Really? By Deborah Jeanne Sergeant Maybe it was information passed down to you. Or perhaps you always assumed
Auburn’s YMCA: ‘More Than ‘Gym and Swim’
By Joe Sarnicola When Laura Clary was a cheerleader at Ithaca High School, she never imagined that eventually she would be the health and
Oral Contraceptive to Be Available Without Prescription Early in 2024
New drug, Opill, offers a 98% rate of effectiveness in preventing conception By Deborah Jeanne Sergeant The FDA recently approved Opill (norgestrel) as an