Kelly Ocampo is the new execu-tive director at HOPE for Bereaved, beginning Oct. 2. Ocampo has almost two decades of experience in the nonprofit sector with a focus on program development and grant writing.
“When our long-time founder Terese Schoeneck retired there was much concern on our board as to whether we could find a person worthy of the role. I believe Kelly has the experience, maturity, and seriousness of purpose required to take this great organization to the level necessary to ensure its continued mission for another 40 years,” said Rodger Loomis, member of Hope for Bereaved board of directors.
Said Steve Schoeneck, president of the board of director,“Kelly has all the skills to excel as the executive director, but specifically she has the desire and drive to ensure Hope is here serving the community for many years to come. We all look forward to working with Kelly to serve the bereaved wherever they are.”
Forty-five years ago, Therese Schoeneck turned a personal tragedy into an opportunity when she founded HOPE for Bereaved. Since then, she has rallied family, friends, and community members around the mission to provide free services to those grieving the loss of a loved one.
“As someone who has lost both parents, I have a personal connection to the organization’s mission,” said Ocampo. “I will work to ensure HOPE for Bereaved is here to serve our diverse community for another 45 years.