Registered dietitian, certified dietitian nutritionist, owner of Rural Roots Nutrition PLLC
Q. What makes you different from other dietitians?
A. People of all gender identities see me with weight loss as their main goal. I honor their choice, but I also challenge them to dig deeper into their nutritional health. I connect how foods support their goal tomorrow while commending non-weight victories today.
Q. Why would someone seek your professional services?
A. Nutrition counseling is not about good vs bad food, the right or wrong way to eat, or the correct diet or meal plan. It is about examining the root cause of beliefs, challenging thoughts and behaviors, myth busting fad diets and diet culture claims, and allowing clients to make nutrition decisions based on science and facts.
Q. What’s one thing you love most about being a dietitian?
A. One thing that makes my heart sing is seeing clients make connections about food and their bodies. They let go of the manipulative misinformation portrayed by diet culture and finally give themselves permission to choose what food works best for them based on their needs, wants, and lifestyle.
Rural Roots Nutrition PLLC
4500 Pewter Lane, Bldg 8&9
Manlius, NY 13104