From paddleboarding to sailing, the Finger Lakes region is perfect for staying fit — no matter your age!
By Jennifer Aline Graham
There’s no better place to stay active, healthy and mentally fit than in the stunning Finger Lakes region. Whether spending time dockside or wading in the water, the region is the ideal place to not only escape with family for a long weekend, but also to venture to when focusing on your own health and well-being.
When you’ve already experienced so many wonderful things and made so many memories during your lifetime, it’s only fair to continue making memories in a relaxing, beautiful environment.
And what’s more relaxing and beautiful than staying fit on a Finger Lake?
Whether at Skaneateles, Owasco or Otisco Lake, in a nearby pool or at the local gym, swimming is just as energizing as the next water sport or lakeside activity.
Swimming doesn’t have to be some basic activity — as the younger generations may say — just because it’s been a popular hobby and sport for many years.
It is an absolutely terrific activity to squeeze into your daily routine — especially if it’s happening at a lake!
Swimming can bring so many physical and mental benefits to the body and mind. Some of these benefits are:
• Less strain on your joints due to the reduction of gravity
• Provides mental and emotional clarity.
• Less pressure on certain parts of your body such as your hips, knees and spine.
• Necessary self-care time to focus on clearing your mind and setting your body at ease.
Whether wading in the lake or working on your go-to stroke, spending time in the water is an activity to add to your spring, summer and fall. fitness regimen.
Though kayaking has been a popular lakeside hobby for many years, it doesn’t mean it isn’t just as thrilling as the next new activity. The thrill of exploring nature while gliding atop the water is a feeling like no other. The Finger Lakes region is filled with kayaking clubs, meet-ups and events where individuals of all ages can connect and kayak. There are many reasons this activity has remained so popular over the years:
• Enjoyable physical activity for all ages.
• Helps relax the brain and body.
• Improves coordination and balance.
• Supports cardiovascular health and wellness.
Connect with groups on social media, check out the local community center or reach out to locals in the town you’re staying in to see if and when kayaking clubs are getting together near you.
Take a sailing course
Sailing is no joke. This activity takes a lot of perseverance, focus and energy and is absolutely worth all of those dynamics and more. The feeling of satisfaction your mind and body receives when you gain that balance on the water and let the sails take to the wind is a freedom like no other. Some reasons sailing on the Finger Lakes is an activity to partake in are:
• Improves cognitive stimulation and focus.
• Deeper connection with nature.
• Reduces stress and anxiety being active on the water.
• Helps you learn and conquer new skills.
Sailing isn’t just an activity for you do alone. Your grandchildren will love learning from you and tagging along on your sailing adventure across the Finger Lakes.
Stand-up paddleboarding isn’t just for the zoomers and millennials. It’s also a great physical — and social — activity for the older generation to take a chance at and conquer. Though it may seem like paddleboarding popped back into the mainstream over the last decade, it is actually something that has been around for more than 3,000 years — originating in Peru. It has become a more normalized activity on the Finger Lakes and the reasons are evident:
• Improves balance and coordination.
• Provides growth of confidence and self-esteem.
• Lowers the risk of Alzheimer’s and memory loss.
• Supports cardiovascular health.
Why not try something new this summer and fall? Go snag a paddleboard, snag a friend and try out a paddleboard class.
Water aerobics
Whether you call it water aerobics, aquatic fitness or Silver Sneakers, one thing is for sure — it’s making a comeback. Or, to be honest, it may have never really disappeared in the first place.
Water aerobics is a way to stay fit and have fun while spending time in the water. There are many classes available to seniors on the Finger Lakes and all you have to do is find them, sign up and prepare to have a great time. There are reasons why water aerobics has continued to stay at the top of the list of favorite fitness activities to take part in when visiting a lake:
• Great cardiovascular exercise.
• Lessens pressure on joints.
• Improves range-of-motion.
• Boosts mental health.
When you want to stay active while having fun out in nature, try a water aerobics class in one of the Finger Lakes. You’ll find yourself feeling more energized and confident afterward.